CNA - Anarchy and tradition between Carrara and the quarrymen's villages
Prix par personne à partir de 230 €

CNA - Anarchy and tradition between Carrara and the quarrymen's villages

À partir de
230 €
Prix par personne
À partir de
230 €
prix par personne


A two-day itinerary through Carrara and some of the quarrymen's villages, exploring Anarchy and the quarrymen's paths. From Italy's oldest and most anarchist club to the traces of Anarchy across the region.


1: Massa - Carrara
2: Massa - Carrara
  • Pernottamento in B&B con prima colazione a Carrara
  • Aperitivo presso il circolo Errico Malatesta
  • Cena al Circolo dei Baccanali
  • Pranzo con canti anarchici presso la sede del FAI Carrara
  • Visite con guida autorizzata
  • Guida disponibile in italiano, inglese, francese e spagnolo
  • Trasferimenti
  • Tutto quanto non espressamente indicato ne “la quota comprende


Hiking shoes and comfortable clothing are required for the excursions.

Rates for single and triple rooms, and child pricing available upon request.

Accommodation in a B&B in Carrara.  

Single and triple rooms available upon request.

Cancellation penalties vary according to the services offered and the accommodation.